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Do NOT pay any money until requested to do so by the Association’s Secretary .
Use the “On-Line” form below to request an RBL Ticket for the Cenotaph parade, to book seats on the coach going from Aldershot to London and to book places for the Reunion Lunch after the parade.
Sunday 12th November 2023
Army Catering Corps Association Remembrance Sunday Cenotaph Parade and Reunion Lunch

Cenotaph Parade Tickets (only complete this section if you are wanting a ticket to join the Army Catering Corps Association's contigent on parade and march past the Cenotaph)

The Association has been allocated 70 tickets by the Royal British Legion for the Cenotaph Parade. Tickets are restricted to ACC Association members only and will be offered to members on a ‘first come, first served’ basis, with priority given to those that were on the reserve list in 2022 and applicants who have also booked lunch at the Victory Services Club. If you are attending in a wheelchair please email the Association Secretary

The Association's Secretary will pass your name and email address to the Royal British Legion. The RBL will send you an email inviting you complete the RBL's Individual Participant Information Register on the RBL website. Tickets and Joining Instructions will be sent electronically to individuals in October.

The deadline to complete the RBL Individual Participant Information is Friday 25th August.

I give consent for the ACC Association to give my name and email address to the Royal British Legion
I will be marching with the Army Catering Corps contingent and require ONE RBL Parade Ticket

Coach Seats (only complete this section if you want to reserve seats on the coach leaving from Aldershot.)

A coach will leave from the RAPTC Car Park,Queens Avenue, Aldershot at 0730hrs to London. That coach will take you to the Victory Services Club following the parade,returning to Aldershot after the lunch. Closing date for booking coach seats is Thursday 1st June 2023.

I want to reserve seats on the coach at £5 per person:

Reunion Lunch (only complete this section if you want to book places on the Lunch at the Victory Services Club after the Cenotaph Parade.)

After the Cenotaph Parade there will be Lunch held in the Victory Services Club, Seymour Street, London. All Association members, wives, partners and their families are welcome at the lunch. Closing date for booking lunch is Thursday 1st June 2023.

I want to book lunch places at £15 per person:

Type of Payment (Do NOT pay any money until requested to do so by the Association's Secretary.)

I will pay by Bank Transfer via the Internet into the Association’s Bank Account

Sort Code: 16-19-26 Account No: 14841865

Please use "ACC" and "YOUR SURNAME" as the Reference on the Bank transfer form

for Example: "ACC Smith"

I will send a cheque for the full amount to the Secretary, Army Catering Corps Association

RHQ The Royal Logistic Corps, Worthy Down Barracks, Winchester, Hampshire, SO21 2RG

Cheque made payable to “The RLC Association Trust Fund"

Clicking the “Submit” button will send an email to the Association’s Secretary with your requirements.
A copy of the email will also be sent to YOU at the email address you supplied above, so you can check that the email sent to the Secretary correctly shows your requirements.

Use the “On-Line” form below to request an RBL Ticket for the Cenotaph parade, to book seats on the coach going from Aldershot to London and to book places for the Reunion Lunch after the parade.
Sunday 12th November 2023
Army Catering Corps Association Remembrance Sunday Cenotaph Parade and Reunion Lunch
Do NOT pay any money until requested to do so by the Association’s Secretary .

Cenotaph Parade Tickets (only complete this section if you are wanting a ticket to join the Army Catering Corps Association's contigent on parade and march past the Cenotaph)

The Association has been allocated 70 tickets by the Royal British Legion for the Cenotaph Parade. Tickets are restricted to ACC Association members only and will be offered to members on a ‘first come, first served’ basis, with priority given to those that were on the reserve list in 2022 and applicants who have also booked lunch at the Victory Services Club. If you are attending in a wheelchair please email the Association Secretary

The Association's Secretary will pass your name and email address to the Royal British Legion. The RBL will send you an email inviting you complete the RBL's Individual Participant Information Register on the RBL website. Tickets and Joining Instructions will be sent electronically to individuals in October.

          The deadline to complete the RBL Individual Participant Information is
                                          Wednesday 25th August.

I give consent for the ACC Association to give my name and email address to the Royal British Legion
I will be marching with the Army Catering Corps contingent and require
                                          ONE RBL Parade Ticket

Coach Seats (only complete this section if you want to reserve seats on the coach leaving from Aldershot.)

A coach will leave from the RAPTC Car Park,Queens Avenue, Aldershot at 0730hrs to London. That coach will take you to the Victory Services Club following the parade,returning to Aldershot after the lunch. Closing date for booking coach seats is Thursday 1st June 2023.

I want to reserve coach seats at £5 per person:

Reunion Lunch (only complete this section if you want to book places on the Lunch at the Victory Services Club after the Cenotaph Parade.)

After the Cenotaph Parade there will be Lunch held in the Victory Services Club, Seymour Street, London. All Association members, wives, partners and their families are welcome at the lunch. Closing date for booking lunch is                   Thursday 1st June 2023.

I want to book lunch places at £15 per person:

Type of Payment (Do NOT pay any money until requested to do so by the Association's Secretary.)

I will pay by Bank Transfer via the Internet into the Association’s Bank Account Sort Code: 16-19-26 Account No: 14841865

Please use "ACC" and "YOUR SURNAME" as the Reference on
the Bank transfer form for Example: "ACC Smith"

I will send a cheque for the full amount to the Secretary
Army Catering Corps Association, RHQ The Royal Logistic Corps
Worthy Down Barracks, Winchester, Hampshire, SO21 2RG
Cheque made payable to “The RLC Association Trust Fund"

Clicking the “Submit” button will send an email to the Association’s Secretary with your requirements.
A copy of the email will also be sent to YOU at the email address you supplied above, so you can check that the email sent to the Secretary correctly shows your requirements.