Membership of the club is open to all who have held the Queen’s Commission and are:•formerly of the Army Catering Corps•Regular and Reserve Army, serving and retired officers of The Royal Logistic Corps who have attended a Food Service Officers’ course and completed one tour in a technical appointment•formerly a WRAC Catering Officer who has served with the Army Catering Corps•commissioned from a military food service background•formerly a Grade 1 Instructor at Army Catering Corps School of Catering.The aim of the ACC Officers’ Club is to foster a spirit of comradeship among retired and serving officers by:•providing social events for members•encouraging members to keep in contact with each other•maintaining a link with The Royal Logistic Corps•ensuring the heritage of the Army Catering Corps is maintained and properly represented.Where do the members of the Officers’ Club Live?Follow the link to see a UK map of where members of the Officers’ Club currently live. Forthcoming Dates for your Diary•Ladies Lunch - Thursday 23rd March 2023•Reunion Dinner – Friday 24th March 2023 at the Norton Park Hotel, Winchester•Summer outing to the Leander Club – Wednesday 7th June 2023•Corps Sunday – 2nd July 2023•ACC Association Buffet Supper & Entertainment (All Ranks) - 14th July 2023 at Village Hotel, Farnborough•Golf match versus Worshipful Company of Cooks – 4th August 2023•Ladies’ Dinner Night – Friday 27th October 2023 at The Aviator Hotel, Farnborough•Opening Ceremony of the Field of Remembrance – Thursday 9th November 2023 (by invitation only)•Cenotaph Parade – Sunday 12th November 2023 (London)•Remembrance Parade – Sunday 12th November 2023 (National Memorial Arboretum & Grantham)
MembershipoftheclubisopentoallwhohaveheldtheQueen’s Commission and are:•formerly of the Army Catering Corps•RegularandReserveArmy,servingandretiredofficersofThe Royal Logistic Corps who haveattendedaFoodServiceOfficers’courseandcompleted one tour in a technical appointment•formerlyaWRACCateringOfficerwhohasservedwiththeArmy Catering Corps•commissioned from a military food service background•formerlyaGrade1InstructoratArmyCateringCorpsSchoolof Catering.TheaimoftheACCOfficers’Clubistofosteraspiritofcomradeship among retired and serving officers by:•providing social events for members•encouraging members to keep in contact with each other•maintaining a link with The Royal Logistic Corps•ensuringtheheritageoftheArmyCateringCorpsismaintained and properly represented.Where do the members of the Officers’ Club Live?FollowthelinktoseeaUKmapofwheremembersoftheOfficers’Club currently live. Forthcoming Dates for your Diary•Ladies Lunch - Thursday 23rd March 2023•Reunion Dinner – Friday 24th March 2023 at the Norton Park Hotel, Winchester•Summer outing to the Leander Club – Wednesday 7th June 2023•Corps Sunday – 2nd July 2023•ACC Association Buffet Supper & Entertainment (All Ranks) - 14th July 2023 at Village Hotel, Farnborough•Golf match v Worshipful Company of Cooks – 4th August 2023•Ladies’ Dinner Night – Friday 27th October 2023 at The Aviator Hotel, Farnborough•Opening Ceremony of the Field of Remembrance – Thursday9th November 2023 (by invitation only)•Cenotaph Parade – Sunday 12th November 2023 (London)•Remembrance Parade – Sunday 12th November 2023 (National Memorial Arboretum & Grantham)